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  AGENDA ITEM: 5.       
Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Date: 03/06/2018  
Requested by: Bayer Vella
Submitted By: Rosevelt Arellano, Community Development & Public Works
Case Number: OV1701685

Staff recommends approval of the proposed rezoning subject to the conditions in Attachment 1.
The applicant proposes to rezone an 85.2-acre property from R1-144 and R1-20 to R1-7 to develop a residential subdivision, located near the northwest corner of Naranja Drive and La Cholla Boulevard. The request includes two flexible design options enabled by the Environmentally Sensitive Lands regulations: 1) smaller building setbacks and 2) reduced lot size and width.
The application (Attachment 2) proposes the following:
  • 178 lots with a minimum lot size ranging from 6,500 to 16,000 square feet
  • Density: 2.1 homes per acre
  • Open space: 33-acres (39% of site)
  • Use: Detached single-family homes
  • Passive and active recreation areas, including pedestrian trails
  • 3 access points: Glover Road (north), La Cholla Blvd (east) and Naranja Drive (south)
Site Conditions
  • 85.2 acres
  • Property is vacant
  • Two main wash corridors traversing the site from north to south
  • Numerous significant saguaros that are 24 feet and higher with multiple arms
  • 2007: Rezoning from R1-144 to R1-20
    • Total lots: 74
    • Minimum lot size: 20,000 sf
    • Building height: 18’, two-story
Land Use Context

The existing land use and zoning designations for the property and the surrounding area are outlined below and depicted on Attachments 3 and 4.
Subject Property Vacant R1-20 and R1-144
North Single-family residential
3-plus acre lots
Wilson Middle School
West Single-family residential
20,000 sf lots
East Single-family residential
7,000 and 10,000 sf lots
R1-7 and R1-10
South Single-family residential
7,000 sf and 3-plus acre lots
R1-7 and and R1-144

General Plan Designations
The Your Voice Our Future General Plan Map (Attachment 5) designates the property as Medium Density Residential (MDR).
  • Medium Density Residential (MDR, 2.1-5.0 DU/AC): This land use designation represents areas where single-family home, townhouse or patio home development is appropriate. The lot sizes in this land use designation allow for setbacks between individual homes (detached) or common walls between individual homes (attached). These areas should be located close to schools, shopping, and employment.
Zoning Designations
The Zoning Map (Attachment 4) shows that the property is zoned R1-20 (1 home per 20,000 square feet of land) and R1-144 (1 home per 144,000 square feet of land).
  • R1-20 Single-Family Residential District: This district provides for low-density detached single-family residential development.
  • R1-144 Single-Family Residential District: This district is intended to promote and preserve suburban-rural single-family residential development. The large lot size permits agricultural uses and promotes open space.
The applicant proposes to rezone an 85.2-acre site from R1-20 and R1-144 to R1-7. The Tentative Development Plan (Attachment 6) depicts:
  • 178 lots with a minimum lot size ranging from 6,500 to 16,000 square feet
    • 6,500 sf (103 lots)
    • 7,000 sf (64 lots)
    • 16,000 sf (11 lots)
  • Density: 2.1 homes per acre
  • Use: Detached single-family homes
  • Building height: 25’, two-story
  • Open space: 33-acres (39% of site)
  • Passive and active recreation areas, including pedestrian trails
  • 3 access points: Glover Road (north), La Cholla Blvd (east) and Naranja drive (south)
Rezoning Analysis
The applicant’s request has been reviewed for conformance with the Zoning Code and the Your Voice Our Future General Plan. A discussion of the application’s conformance with each of these items is provided below.

R1-7 Zoning District Conformance
The proposed Tentative Development Plan (TDP) conforms to the development standards of the R1-7 zoning district. Please note, additional zoning standards will be addressed during the Final Site Plan review process. The following development standards are notable for this proposal:
  • Minimum Lot Size: The minimum lot size is 7,000 square feet. The proposed TDP conforms to this standard by utilizing the conservation subdivision design lot reduction incentive provided under ESL. This incentive is discussed in greater detail under the ESL Flexible Design Option section below.
  • Building Heights: Building height is limited to twenty-five (25’) feet, two-stories in the R1-7 zoning district. It is worth noting that there are no existing homes immediately west of the project site, therefore, the proposed building height of twenty-five (25’) feet, two-stories will not impact any existing views of the Catalina Mountains to the east.
  • Access and Circulation: The property is accessed by three driveways 1) Glover Road (north) 2) La Cholla Blvd (east) and 3) Naranja drive (south). The proposed entrances meet driveway spacing requirements and have been approved by the Town Engineer. Additionally, the proposed TDP incorporates trails and pathways throughout the design and connects to larger regional trails in the surrounding area. To ensure sufficient infrastructure, several rezoning conditions from the previously approved rezoning case for this property have been added to Attachment 1. These conditions relate to roadway dedication and improvements, cost sharing, and water utility infrastructure.
  • Neighborhood Compatibility: The property is located in proximity to two schools and rural and suburban size lots (e.g., 6,600 square feet to 3.3-plus acres). Rezoning this site to R1-7 requires sensitivity to the existing context by using design and mitigation techniques to improve compatibility. To ensure compatibility with the surrounding uses, the applicant proposes the following measures:
    • Placing larger lots (e.g., 16,000 square feet) along the northern and eastern property lines where the adjacent subdivisions contain 3.3-acres and 10,000 square foot lots, respectively.
    • Using the existing wash along the west property line as a 150’-plus wide natural buffer between the proposed development and future large lot subdivision (Saguaros Viejos Phase 1) to the west.
    • Installing internal sidewalks to provide pedestrian connectivity to nearby schools, sidewalks, and multi-use paths.
ESL Flexible Design Option

The Environmentally Sensitive Lands (ESL) requirements enable the use of incentives, or flexible design options, subject to Town Council approval. The flexible design options are available to property owners when open space is applied to at least twenty-five (25%) or more of the property. The applicant has provided thirty-nine (39%) open space allowing them to request these options. The following flexible design options requested by the applicant are shown below, followed by staff commentary.
  • Smaller building setbacks: Reduce the side setbacks from seven and a half (7.5’) feet to no less than five (5’) feet, and the front setbacks from twenty (20’) feet to no less than fifteen (15’) feet, provided that it does not result in an on-lot driveway less than twenty (20’) feet in length.
    • Staff Commentary: The proposed setback reductions is a reasonable request because it would allow a more varied and attractive streetscape, while maintaining a sufficient driveway length for on-lot parking.
  • Lot size and width reductions: Reduce the minimum lot size from 7,000 square feet to 6,500 square feet, and the minimum lot width from seventy (70’) feet to fifty (50’) feet for the 103 of 178 lots.
    • Staff Commentary: The ESL regulations provide a lot reduction incentive for applicants who choose to employ a conservation subdivision design. The incentive allows for a reduction to 5,500 square feet in the R1-7 zoning district with a concomitant lot width reduction. The TDP (Attachment 6) proposes a lot reduction (e.g., 6,500 square foot lots and 50’ wide) for 103 lots of the 178 lots. This is a reasonable request because it allows the proposed residential development to meet the conservation objectives outlined in ESL, which seeks to protect critical resource areas (e.g., existing washes) while achieving base zoning densities through the use of flexible design options.
 Environmentally Sensitive Lands (ESL)
  • Conservation Categories (Biologically Based): The subject property is designated Critical Resource Area (CRA) and Resource Management Area (RMA) Tier 2 on the ESL Planning Map. The property is traversed with two wash corridors, which are designated CRA and must be conserved at 95% open space. The remainder of the property is categorized as Resource Management Area (RMA) Tier 2, requiring a conservation of at least 25% open space. The proposed TDP conserves 95% of the CRA and 25% of the RMA.
There are numerous significant saguaros on this site, which qualify as important individual specimens and ESL Core Resources. All large saguaros (24’ or taller with two or more arms) shown on the Tentative Development are to be preserved in place.
  • Conservation Categories (Non-biologically Based): The applicant has submitted a letter from the Arizona State Museum (ASM) indicating that the property has been surveyed and no cultural resources have been identified on the site.
General Plan Analysis
The applicant’s proposal has been reviewed for conformance with the Vision, Goals and Policies of the Your Voice Our Future General Plan. The most notable goals and policies are shown in italics followed by staff commentary, are discussed below:
General Plan Vision
  • Oro Valley strives to be a well-managed community that provides all residents with opportunities for quality living. Oro Valley will keep its friendly, small-town, neighborly character, while increasing services, employment and recreation. The Town’s lifestyle continues to be defined by a strong sense of community, a high regard for public safety and an extraordinary natural environment and scenic views. 
Staff Commentary: The Vision Statement emphasizes the need to carefully balance land use decisions which respond to current conditions, against the long term impacts to the community. The proposed rezoning to R1-7 conforms with the Vision Statement by providing housing for employees and students of the adjacent schools and nearby employment areas, while protecting the existing washes on the property.
General Plan Goals and Policies
Below is a list of notable Goals and Policies followed by staff commentary on compliance.
  • Goal K: The proactive conservation, protection and restoration of environmentally sensitive lands, natural resource areas and habitats and lands with high scenic value.
Staff Commentary: The proposed TDP utilizes the Conservation Subdivision Design incentive which enables front setback and lot size reductions. These design incentives allow the proposed development to better conserve the existing washes and create a more environmentally sensitive site plan design. To further conservation, a rezoning condition requiring all large saguaros (e.g., 24’ or taller with two or more arms) shown on the Tentative Development be preserved in place has been added to Attachment 1. The applicant’s proposal is in conformance with the General Plan Policy.
  • Policy SD.2: Protect and provide connections between contiguous, environmentally sensitive lands within the Town, including key habitat areas and significant natural resource areas. 
  • Policy SD.8: Encourage development project designs that connect wildlife habitat areas, avoid disturbing significant wildlife habitats and minimize the overall impacts on wildlife habitat areas.
Staff Commentary: The applicant’s proposal seeks to protect the two existing washes on the property. The proposed TDP meets the ESL regulations by conserving ninety five (95%) percent of the Critical Resource Areas (wash corridors/wildlife habitat), and twenty five (25%) percent of the Resource Management Area (balance of the property) in natural open space. The preservation of these washes will allow animals to move from one wildlife corridor to another. The applicant’s proposal is in conformance with the General Plan Policy.
  • LU.5. Provide diverse land uses that meet the Town's overall needs and effectively transition in scale and density adjacent to neighborhoods. 
Staff Commentary: The proposed subdivision design and density (2.1 homes per acre) are similar to the single-family neighborhoods to the east (1.7 and 2.64 homes per acre) and south (2.47 homes per acre), therefore, the proposed rezoning will not alter the existing development character and transitions.

Engineering Comments

Drainage:  The proposed rezoning request acknowledges the development will be designed so post-developed drainage conditions are consistent with pre-developed conditions in accordance with Town drainage requirements.  Several natural washes affect the subject property, flowing in a southerly direction through the development.   A preliminary drainage analysis was prepared by the applicant to determine existing 100-year stormwater runoff values flowing through each wash, at points entering and exiting the project boundaries. 

The drainage system for the project will be designed to ensure, among other requirements, that all proposed habitable structures adjacent to a wash will be protected from flooding and erosion.  The increase of runoff resulting from constructed impervious surfaces will be mitigated by use of detention basins which discharge into the existing watercourses.  The detention basins capture, hold, and release stormwater in a controlled manner to mimic existing conditions.
Traffic:  The proposed development will have three gated entrances, one each along Glover Road, La Cholla Boulevard and Naranja Drive.  The three access points help distribute incoming and outgoing traffic around the site which helps to reduce the impact to surrounding streets.  The generation of new traffic from the proposed subdivision will be similar to other subdivisions of the same size and character, which is generally low when compared to other higher intensity uses.  Internal streets within this development will be private, gated and constructed to Town of Oro Valley Subdivision Street Standards.  Off-site improvements will include right-of-way dedication and the widening of Glover Road along the project frontage by the developer.  Furthermore, construction for the widening of La Cholla Boulevard to four lanes, as funded by the RTA, is anticipated to begin during the summer of 2018.  These off-site improvements will increase roadway capacity and safety to accommodate projects such as this one.  Public roadway improvements to be completed by the developer shall be at their expense and will require approval and a permit issued from the Town Engineer’s office.
Summary of Public Notice
Public notice has been provided:
  • Notification of all property owners within 600 feet and extended area
  • Homeowners Association mailing
  • Advertisement in The Daily Territorial newspaper
  • Post on property
  • Post at Town Hall and on website
Neighborhood Meetings

Two neighborhood meetings were held on March 22, 2017 and December 7, 2017 with approximately 18 and 3 residents, respectively. The main topics discussed at the meetings included access points, view preservation, building height, open space, land use transition, school capacity, and mass grading. A copy of the neighborhood meeting summary notes are included as Attachment 7.

Based on the finding that the proposed rezoning is consistent with the Zoning Code and the Your Voice Our Future General Plan, it is recommended that the Planning and Zoning Commission take the following action:

Recommend to Town Council approval of the rezoning and ESL Flexible Design Options, subject to the conditions in Attachment 1.
I move to recommend approval of the Saguaros Viejos East Rezoning from R1-144 and R1-20 to R1-7, including the use of ESL’s Flexible Design Options, based on the finding that the request is consistent with the Zoning Code and the Your Voice Our Future General Plan, subject to the conditions in Attachment 1.
I move to recommend denial of the Saguaros Viejos East Rezoning from R1-144 and R1-20 to R1-7, based on the finding that the request is not consistent with the Zoning Code and/or Your Voice Our Future General Plan, specifically ____________________________________.

Attachment 1 - Rezoning Conditions
Attachment 2 - Application
Attachment 3 - Location Map
Attachment 4 - Zoning Map
Attachment 5 - General Plan Map
Attachment 6 - Tentative Development Plan
Attachment 7 - Neighborhood Meeting Summaries


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